How To Raise Diastolic Blood Pressure Instantly – Stay Fit Healthy Lifestyle

As you know, hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the alarming signs for your health. However, low diastolic blood pressure also needs attention in medical checkups. Therefore, monitoring your BP is a must to be aware of your systolic and diastolic values. Remember, to avoid any severe health risks of low blood pressure, you must take preventive steps.

What Exactly Does Hypotension Mean

Low Diastolic Pressure is also known as hypotension. A bottom number in your blood pressure reading indicates your diastolic value, which measures the blood pressure in your arteries when your heart muscles relax after a contraction.

Health experts say a regular blood pressure reading is less than 120 over 80. A low diastolic number (less than 60 millimeters of mercury) means you aren’t getting adequately oxygenated blood in your heart, and ignoring it for long may weaken your heart muscles as well.

Hence, to deal with the problem of hypotension, always check your BP level.

What Are The Symptoms Of Low Diastolic Blood Pressure

Following are the symptoms you start experiencing at the initial level of hypotension. Thus, to raise it safely, you need to know the actual symptoms of Low Diastolic BP.


The very first indication is dizziness or feeling lightheaded, usually when you change position suddenly. If you are experiencing this feeling most of the time, consult your doctor.

Brain fog

The second primary symptom is brain fog, which means if you are feeling mentally fuzzy or slow most of the time, then discuss it with your doctor.


A feeling of being constantly tired and just dragging through your day is a sign of hypotension. Your body doesn’t get enough oxygenated blood to make you feel active.

Likewise, the less common symptoms are blurry vision and nausea.

What Are The Safe Life-changing Habits

There’s nothing tricky you have to do about it. Start with the easy-to-implement and safe steps to raise it. Let’s have a look at them.

Review current medications

Many times, some of the medicines you are currently taking have opioids (narcotics) and some antidepressants, due to which lower blood pressure occurs. 

However, low blood pressure doesn’t require treatments as you can follow some diet, home remedies, and lifestyle tweaks to normalize the value of blood pressure diastolic. You are rarely prescribed medicines to raise the level of diastolic pressure.

Drink more Water

Dehydration is a common cause of hypotension. To have plenty of fluids, preferably drinks with electrolytes, while trimming out alcohol is the best way to raise your BP safely. In short, water battles dehydration and increases blood volume. So, have plenty of water in a day.

Increase salt intake

Do not follow the anti-salt attitude. Generally, those who have hypertension are always advised to limit salt intake. To maintain the usual BP and to support the adrenal system, we need to have salt in our diet.

Follow a healthy diet

Instead of having highly refined flour and rapidly digested carbohydrates food items, include the following in your routine.

  • Whole grains
  • Beans
  • Protein
  • Healthy oils
  • Fish, meat, poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Fortified breakfast cereals and nutritional yeasts
  • spinach, asparagus, brussels sprouts
  • Liver, meat, poultry
  • Fruits and fruit juices
  • Nuts, beans, peas
  • Seafood
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Grains

Having smaller meals

Don’t stuff yourself with a meal in bulk. Prefer to take smaller meals in a day.

Getting physical

If you love to sit or stand in one position for a long time, change this habit as it depreciates the symptoms of low blood pressure. Make sure to perform some physical activities to maintain your BP level.


“Listen to your body mindfully.”

As you know, the common symptoms of a quick drop in blood pressure include dizziness, fatigue, light-headedness, blurry vision, and nausea. Therefore, to keep your BP on track, take easy and practical steps. If you seriously want to deal with this problem, there are certain things you can change in your routine. You can start exercising or walking, practicing yoga, and eating a healthy diet with more salty products. However, hypotension doesn’t always need medical treatment, but neglecting the issue for a longer time is risky. In some cases, not acknowledging the symptoms of hypotension and dodging to consult the doctor indicates life-threatening situations such as heart disease or blood loss.

Hence, before your health gets affected due to this problem, consider the indication your body has shown and visit your doctor to discuss the symptoms as soon as possible. Last but not least, for more health and lifestyle tips, follow Stay Fit Healthy Lifestyle.










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